
Why vote for Rick Flori?

Stand Up this election. Ask yourself what are you the tax payer getting out of your Government representative? Do you even know who they are or what they can do for you and your family?

Are they listening to your wants and needs, or are they towing the party line in order to serve their own agenda?

Do you know what legislation has been implemented or utilised as a result of the current members actions?

If you have answered no to any of these questions, are you open to voting differently this time for someone that will not only be there for you but be there for all the right reasons?

Do you want someone who has experience in the usual resistant Government processes, someone who has actually learned first hand and understands what it is like to have suffered as a result of the little to no accountability under the current Government?

Do you want to give the government a conscience in the decisions they make that affect you and everyone around you?

Then vote for an independent and if you are a Queenslander and don’t want to hear any more ‘cop outs’ vote for Rick Flori as a Senator for this great state.